Employee development and organization strengthening project

Employee development and organization strengthening project

The employee development and organization enhancement project is a customized project that Beeans Inc. created for Fuji Speedway.

We interviewed all employees and created a personalized career step-up chart for each employee., We developed the curriculums including input-based seminars and output-based OJT, to enhance the abilities of all employees.

In addition, we are establishing a rational evaluation system that links directly to job descriptions.


Main project area

  • Organizational Strengthening Project

Supporting project areas for the success

  • New project

Before Beeans Inc. joined

There were 2 major HR challenges in FSW. First, the organization had no time to educate and provide training for individuals through practical work, as everyone was already overwhelmed by daily business.

This led to a vicious cycle at all levels; seniors didn't know how to support and train their subordinates, and juniors were never properly supported.

Second, young and talented employees were leaving the company for various reasons.


Initiatives of Beeans Inc.

Beeans Inc. comprehensively analyzed employees' work environment, job satisfaction, and motivation, based on 1-1 interviews and surveys. We have built an evaluation system focused on business skills and prepared FSW's original employee training curriculum.

We are establishing an individual consultation service and providing OJT for the ones who need specific task support.


Project progress

Our plans and actions have been separated into 3 major parts:

1) For the entire company, we develop an evaluation system and reorganization plan;

2) For departments, we re-examine the workload and job description, to solve the unique issues and improve productivity.

3) For individuals, we provide customized training programs, actively listen to employees' needs, and offer extensive practical support.



Beeans Inc. supports about 70 people in the project.


Usually requires support from up to 6 companies


Support from Beeans Inc. is all you need